Monday, 18 August 2008

Day 15: 18th August 2008

Feeling really good again today, I'm at work right now, I have a slight bit of burning between my shoulder blades right now, but that is because it has been hectic in the office this morning, and I find that when I am under stress with work, I get alot of tension through my shoulder blades!! Apart from that I feel great, I did my e-cises late last night, about 11:00pm, and the static wall stretch is defiantely improving, I hated this e-cise at first as my left hamstring was so tight and it would ache like crazy, but last night I was able to get it straightened out really quickly, which is a great sign of my hamstrings re-lengthening, it felt great to see my left leg straighten out, rather than be bent at the knee due to the lack of flexibility in that leg before, still got a long way to go, but it's a sign of great improvement : )

I'm seeing Matt tongiht for my 2nd appointment, am really looking forward to it, and for him to see the improvement I have made, still have the side shift, this is going to take a while to correct, but if the e-cises are getting easier and the pain is subsiding It is all heading in the correct direction, and it is just a matter of time, and effort.

I will post tomorrow how the session tonight goes, and what changes if any are made to my menu of e-cises.

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