Thursday 14 August 2008

Day 11: 14 August 2008

The E-cises are definately getting easier, not so tight in certain exercises and finding them easier to perform each day. I'm also finding certain movements during the day easier such as getting in and out of my car, and bending down to tie my laces, the silly little things we take for granted until we have pain!!

When I started the e-cises I started to get a little bit of tingling and numbness back in my left leg which worried me, but I think that was just from working certain muscles such as the piriformis and this was maybe causing a bit of light spasm, because the muscle has not been used, and therefore putting pressure on my sciatic nerve.

My pain levels have dropped to about a managable 4-5 at the moment, but I've not been walking as much recently and walking is the worst thing for me in terms of pain, because of my postural dysfunctions walking isn't going to help me, as I walk biomechanically wrong at the moment, as I start to correct these dysfunctions I will start walking more, at the moment too much walking causes a flare up and sets me back.

I got thinking yesterday, if the bulging disc is causing my pain as the doctors believe it is, and other professionals, then why does it not hurt 24/7??? The disc is pressing on my nerve 24/7 is it not? It does not move at all or go back into place, so surely if this disc was causing the pain then i would have pain all the time?! This to me has really made me think about how just because you have a bulging disc does not mean it is the disc that is causing you pain!! There have been studies done on groups of people who have no back pain whatsoever and yet after the MRI's 85% came back with a bulging disc?! Explain that to me....I'm trying to find a link to the study that was done, if I find it I will post it online.

I'm feeling very positive today, onwards and upwards : )

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