Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Worst day so far : (

I did my e-cises last night after work, went well, went out to the pub with my mates (No wasn't drinking I was driving) and everything was fine, my left hip flexor was a little bit sore, but nothing major. But when I was trying to get to sleep last night, it was crazy, my left leg was just aching, like a dull ache, I just couldn't get rid of the pain, I tried every position possible, nothing helped.....I ended up falling asleep about 2:30am....

Today my left QL and left hip flexor and left glute, is very sore and tender, I'm really p#ssed off with myself really, it just shows the reprocusions of the weekend, I have set myself back now, I'm hoping a night of rest will do the trick, and I will be fine tomorrow....

I will post tomorrow and let you know how I am doing, I believe this is just a temporary glitch, and I will be fine when I wake up in the morning :)

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