Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Much better today : )

I feel tonnes better today, the ache in my left QL seems to have disappeared, and I feel much, much better......I did not perform my e-cises last night, I rested, as I thought if I am in pain, and muscles are in spasm, its not always a good idea to perform the e-cises, could make the spasm and pain worse.

I was thinking, it was rather cold and damp here yesterday in London, and I know this can have an impact on muscles and back pain, so maybe that was one possible reason for the flare up.

Another reason, is that the new set of e-cises, may not be working as good as I first thought, they may be causing a bit of inflammation, maybe I am performing them incorrectly, too fast. I have contacted Matt my Egoscue Therapist, and he is getting back to me. He may decide to change up some of the e-cises or possibly the sequence, or take out some e-cises, if my body is not reacting to them the way they should.

I will perform my e-cises tonight, and post back tomorrow, seeing how I feel tomorrow....

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